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Influencing microstructure of vanadium carbide reinforced FeCrVC hardfacing during gas metal arc welding

  • Vanadium carbide (VC) reinforced FeCrVC hardfacings have become important to improving the lifetime of tools suffering abrasive and impressive loads. This is because the microstructural properties of such hardfacings enable the primary VCs to act as obstacles against the penetrating abrasive. Because dilution is supposed to be the key issue influencing the precipitation behaviour of primary carbides during surfacing, the development of deposit welding processes exhibiting a reduced thermal impact, and hence lower dilution to the base material, is the primary focus of the current research. By inserting an additional hot wire in the melt, an approach was developed to separate the material and energy input during gas metal arc welding (GMAW) and hence realised low dilution claddings. The carbide content could be increased, and a grain refinement was observed compared with conventional GMAW. These effects could be attributed to both the reduced dilution and heterogeneous nucleation.

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Author:Karsten GüntherORCiD, Jean Pierre Bergmann
Title (English):Influencing microstructure of vanadium carbide reinforced FeCrVC hardfacing during gas metal arc welding
Parent Title (English):Metals 2020
Document Type:Article
Year of Completion:2020
Release Date:2020/10/16
Tag:Auftragschweißen; Verschleiss
Hardfacing; Welding
Page Number:14
Faculties:Fakultät MKT / Institut für Management und Technik
DDC classes:600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / 620 Ingenieurwissenschaften und Maschinenbau
Review Status:Veröffentlichte Fassung/Verlagsversion
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International