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- yes (65)
- Culture (1)
- Discrimination (1)
- Diversity (1)
- Diversity Climate (1)
- Diversity Competence (1)
- Diversity Potentials (1)
- Feedback (1)
- Immigrants (1)
- Intercultural Competence (1)
- Leadership (1)
- Fakultät WiSo (62)
- LearningCenter (1)
- Präsidium Hochschule Osnabrück (1)
Aims: Intercultural competence has become a key-competence, since the world has become more and more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Therefore, insights in the development of intercultural competence and its´ links to individual traits are crucial for companies and researchers to face the requirements in a VUCA world. This study examines the relationship between the time, students spent abroad, personality traits and circumstances during this time with the student’s intercultural competence and integration performance in the target culture. The study had a correlative cross-sectional design. Design and sample: A total of 202 academic subjects were surveyed. The average age was 22 years. There was one measuring time, to which 58 % of the participants stated that they have had a stay abroad. Measurements: Metacognitive, cognitive, motivational and behavioural intercultural competence were measured with the Cultural Intelligence Scale. The personality traits involvement, discipline, social competence, cooperation, dominance and stability were captured with the "Bochum inventory for job-related personality description-6F". Work-related attitudes as patterns of behaviour and experience were measured using the "Work-related Behaviour and Experiencing Pattern 44" (German: Arbeitsbezogene Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster, AVEM). This scale captures the way participants relate to work in general based on the measurement of personality traits and their fit to specific clusters, which describe, whether individuals have healthy or risky patterns. In addition, the demographic factors and characteristics of stays abroad as well as the integration into the target culture based on the Sociocultural Adaption Scale were examined. The data was tested for relationships and differences by tests for mean differences, variance and regression analyses. Results: There was a positive correlation between duration and cognitive, motivational and behavioural intercultural competence. The motivational competence is higher in subjects who have no risk pattern in the AVEM. The different types of competence influence each other at diverse times. Moreover, the suggested structural equation model could be confirmed. This showed the effect of the AVEM pattern on intercultural competence, moderated by the stay abroad and the social competence. Thus, the study contributes to the understanding of both the measurement of intercultural competence and the development process of intercultural competence in a globalized world.
Do multipliers have to be more sensitized for the issue diversity? Do they have to develop specific competences? Which do they already have? These questions were analysed by a qualitative investigation. Ca. 70 interviews with managers of the large DAX companies and employees were conducted. The results show a field of tension between self-perception and perception of others and the assessment of the relevance of diversity attitudes and measures, competences and their actual implementation. The results indicate the need of promotion of competences, especially regarding the intercultural competence. We position ourselves in a functionalist perspective, in line with the work on paradigms of Burell and Morgan (2017) and Deetz (1996) in social sciences and Cross-Cultural Management. We present these results from a functionalist perspective in order to ensure the greatest possible "objectivity".
Herausforderungen an Assessment von Lehramtstudierenden am Beispiel von Work-Life-Balance Forschung
The demographic shift in the age structure has the effects that many ageing employees work in organisations. Migration can slow down the ageing of population but could not stop it. More and more people with immigration background work in organisations. Therefore, the question is, whether diversity sensitive attitudes count for all diversity aspects. The central aim of the study is to deal with the problem fields of multicultural teamwork. Thereby, the focus is on the collaboration of employees with and without immigration background. The interviews with employees with and without an immigra-tion background of various company branches were conducted. The results show that employees with an immigration background have more contact and feel comfortable with persons from different cultures than employees without an immigration back-ground. The qualitative analysis indicates that there is a high need of competence devel-opment, especially intercultural and social competences in organisations. The results of the study reveal that personality traits and characteristics of employees play a role to what extent they accept diversity and are willing to work with persons from another culture. Age is not important regarding intercultural competence development.