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- Conference Proceeding (29)
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- yes (49)
- CEO (1)
- CEO-CIO relationship (1)
- Digital (1)
- Erfolg (1)
- IT decision making (1)
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- Innovationsmanagement (1)
- clinical information logistics (1)
- clinical workflows (1)
- Fakultät WiSo (48)
- Fakultät IuI (1)
Der primäre Einsatzzweck von Reifegradmodellen besteht zumeist in der reinen Inventarisierung der vorhandenen IT-Komponenten. Das vorliegende Kapitel gibt IT-Entscheider*innen in Krankenhäusern Empfehlungen, wie Reifegradmodelle für eine kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung, Umsetzung und Evaluation von Digitalisierungsstrategien eingesetzt werden können. Als Prüfschema für die Auswahl geeigneter Verfahren werden neun Anforderungen an die Entwicklung und den Einsatz von Reifegradmodellen formuliert. Entlang von drei strategischen Handlungsfeldern – dem klinischen Anwendungsfeld, dem Informationsmanagement und dem organisatorischen Umfeld – werden dem Leser generische Digitalisierungsziele und dazugehörige Beispielindikatoren zur Erfolgskontrolle bereitgestellt.
Apps have been attested to empower patients regarding disease self-management through numerous studies. However, it is still unclear what factors determine the perception of patients whether an app is a useful tool for this purpose. A multiple regression model that was informed by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM 2) was tested based on the answers of 235 app users with Diabetes type 1 or 2. The model accounted for 59.2% of the variance of the perceived degree of self-management. Factors belonging to the relevance-usefulness-quality complex as well as factors reflecting the patient’s self-control were found to be significant in the model. Patient demographics, i.e. age, gender, app experience and type of Diabetes did not play any significant role. In conclusion, this study raises the question whether apps should be designed to strengthen self-management in the sense of self-control (e.g. own measurements, diary) as opposed to guiding and advice giving.
An Iterative Methodology for Developing National Recommendations for Nursing Informatics Curricula
The increasing importance of IT in nursing requires educational measures to support its meaningful application. However, many countries do not yet have national recommendations for nursing informatics competencies. We thus developed an iterative triple methodology to yield validated and country specific recommendations for informatics core competencies in nursing. We identified relevant competencies from national sources (step 1), matched and enriched these with input from the international literature (step 2) and fed the resulting 24 core competencies into a survey (120 invited experts from which 87 responded) and two focus group sessions with a total of 48 experts (steps 3a/3b). The subsequent focus group sessions confirmed and expanded the findings. As a result, we were able to define role specific informatics core competencies for three countries.
Characteristics of German Hospitals Adopting Health IT Systems : Results from an Empirical Study
Hospital characteristics that facilitate IT adoption have been described by the literature extensively, however with controversial results. The aim of this study therefore is to draw a set of the most important variables from previous studies and include them in a combined analysis for testing their contribution as single factors and their interactions. Total number of IT systems installed and number of clinical IT systems in the hospital were used as criterion variables. Data from a national survey of German hospitals served as basis. Based on a stepwise multiple regression analysis four variables were identified to significantly explain the degree of IT adoption (60% explained variance): 1) hospital size, 2) IT department, 3) reference customer and 4) ownership (private vs. public). Our results replicate previous findings with regard to hospital size and ownership. In addition our study emphasizes the importance of a reliable internal structure for IT projects (existence of an IT department) and the culture of testing and installing most recent IT products (being a reference customer). None of the interactions between factors was significant.