Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (6)
- Article (2)
- Other (1)
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- yes (9)
- Culture (1)
- Discrimination (1)
- Diversity (1)
- Diversity Climate (1)
- Diversity Competence (1)
- Diversity Potentials (1)
- Immigrants (1)
- Intercultural Competence (1)
- Leadership (1)
- Migration Background (1)
- Fakultät WiSo (8)
- LearningCenter (1)
Aims: Intercultural competence has become a key-competence, since the world has become more and more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Therefore, insights in the development of intercultural competence and its´ links to individual traits are crucial for companies and researchers to face the requirements in a VUCA world. This study examines the relationship between the time, students spent abroad, personality traits and circumstances during this time with the student’s intercultural competence and integration performance in the target culture. The study had a correlative cross-sectional design. Design and sample: A total of 202 academic subjects were surveyed. The average age was 22 years. There was one measuring time, to which 58 % of the participants stated that they have had a stay abroad. Measurements: Metacognitive, cognitive, motivational and behavioural intercultural competence were measured with the Cultural Intelligence Scale. The personality traits involvement, discipline, social competence, cooperation, dominance and stability were captured with the "Bochum inventory for job-related personality description-6F". Work-related attitudes as patterns of behaviour and experience were measured using the "Work-related Behaviour and Experiencing Pattern 44" (German: Arbeitsbezogene Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster, AVEM). This scale captures the way participants relate to work in general based on the measurement of personality traits and their fit to specific clusters, which describe, whether individuals have healthy or risky patterns. In addition, the demographic factors and characteristics of stays abroad as well as the integration into the target culture based on the Sociocultural Adaption Scale were examined. The data was tested for relationships and differences by tests for mean differences, variance and regression analyses. Results: There was a positive correlation between duration and cognitive, motivational and behavioural intercultural competence. The motivational competence is higher in subjects who have no risk pattern in the AVEM. The different types of competence influence each other at diverse times. Moreover, the suggested structural equation model could be confirmed. This showed the effect of the AVEM pattern on intercultural competence, moderated by the stay abroad and the social competence. Thus, the study contributes to the understanding of both the measurement of intercultural competence and the development process of intercultural competence in a globalized world.
Do multipliers have to be more sensitized for the issue diversity? Do they have to develop specific competences? Which do they already have? These questions were analysed by a qualitative investigation. Ca. 70 interviews with managers of the large DAX companies and employees were conducted. The results show a field of tension between self-perception and perception of others and the assessment of the relevance of diversity attitudes and measures, competences and their actual implementation. The results indicate the need of promotion of competences, especially regarding the intercultural competence. We position ourselves in a functionalist perspective, in line with the work on paradigms of Burell and Morgan (2017) and Deetz (1996) in social sciences and Cross-Cultural Management. We present these results from a functionalist perspective in order to ensure the greatest possible "objectivity".
The central aim of the investigation at hand is to deal with the problem areas of Human Resource Management, which arise by demographic changes and migration. The paper focuses on mutual relationships. Managers and human resource managers are considered as multipliers. Older employees, migrants and women are important potential. Therefore, following research questions have been investigated: Which competences are necessary to promote to recognise the potential of migrants correctly and to promote them? Do the multipliers have to be more sensitized for the issue diversity? Do they have to develop specific competences to make the system more permeable and to make the entry and promotion of migrants possible? Which competences should be promoted to increase the sensitivity for diversity? The questions were examined by a qualitative investigation to develop hypotheses for a quantitative study. Overall, 30 interviews with managers, human resource managers and diversity representatives of the large DAX companies were conducted. Furthermore, 17 employees with immigration background and 15 employees without an immigration background were interviewed. The data was transcribed and analysed by the qualitative content analysis according to Mayring (2010). Comparative analyses were made with single items with Likert Scales. The investigation of managers and employees is a highly diversified issue. Therefore, the main focus of the project lays on the problem areas, conflicts and competences of human resources managers in demographic-sensitive personnel management. In comparison, employees with and without an immigration background were asked. The results show an interesting field of tension between self-perception and perception of others and the assessment of the relevance of diversity attitudes and measures, competences and their implementation. Furthermore, a contrary perception regarding strains and stresses of person with and without immigration background is determined, which is developed in the consequences of migrations stress and experiences of discrimination. The results indicate the need of promotion of competences, especially regarding intercultural competence. A critical analysis of the results will be presented.
Aims: This study examines the relationship between the time, students spent abroad, personality traits and circumstances during this time with the student’s intercultural competence and integration performance in the target culture. Design and sample: The study had a correlative cross-sectional design. 202 academic subjects were surveyed. The average age was 22 years. There was one measuring time, to which 58 % of the participants stated that they have had a stay abroad. Measurements: Metacognitive, cognitive, motivational and behavioural intercultural competence were measured with the Cultural Intelligence Scale. The personality traits involvement, discipline, social competence, cooperation, dominance and stability were captured with the "Bochum inventory for job-related personality description-6F". Work-related attitudes as patterns of behaviour and experience were measured using the "Work-related Behaviour and Experiencing Pattern 44" (Geman: Arbeitsbezogene Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster; AVEM). In addition, the demographic factors and characteristics of stays abroad as well as the integration into the target culture based on the Sociocultural Adaption Scale were examined. The data was tested for relationships and differences by tests for mean differences, variance and regression analyses. Results: There was a positive correlation between duration and cognitive, motivational and behavioural intercultural competence. The motivational competence is higher in subjects who have no risk pattern in the AVEM. The different types of competence influence each other at diverse times. Moreover, the suggested structural equation model could be confirmed. This showed the effect of the AVEM pattern on intercultural competence, moderated by the stay abroad and the social competence.
Kurzfassung: Die vorliegende Untersuchung setzt sich mit den Problemfeldern der Personalauswahl und -entwicklung auseinander, welche die demografischen Veränderungen in Bezug auf Migration mit sich bringen. Explorativ soll die Ausprägung von sozialen und interkulturellen Kompetenzen und der Aspekt Diversity in Unternehmen untersucht werden. Hierzu wurden 69 Interviews durchgeführt und die intervallskalierten Selbsteinschätzungsskalen quantitativ verglichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Mitarbeiter die Relevanz von Diversity-Einstellungen und Maßnahmen, Kompetenzen und Umsetzung dieser deutlich höher bewerten als die Führungskräfte. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf den Bedarf einer Kompetenzförderung hin, insbesondere in Bezug auf die interkulturelle Kompetenz.
Kurzfassung: Die vorliegende Untersuchung untersucht die Auswirkungen
der Dauer eines Auslandsaufenthaltes von Studierenden sowie von arbeitsbezogenen Persönlichkeitsfaktoren und Charakteristika auf die interkulturelle Kompetenz und die Integration der Teilnehmer. Die Untersuchung erfolgte in Form einer korrelativen Querschnittstudie. Insgesamt 202 Probanden mit akademischer Ausbildung wurden untersucht. Es wurden die interkulturelle Kompetenz, Persönlichkeitsmerkmale und arbeitsbezogene Einstellungen gemessen, sowie demographische Faktoren des Auslandsaufenthaltes und die Integration in die Zielkultur. Es gibt einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen der Dauer von Auslandsaufenthalten und kognitiver, motivationaler und verhaltensbezogener interkultureller
Possessing skills in social and intercultural interaction is vitally important for employees who work in globalized environments, especially as people's working lives tend to involve an increasingly large amount of service-related activities. As a consequence, universities offer cultural studies courses and strive to enable their students to study abroad for a period of time. However, there is still no widely shared agreement on how intercultural experiences and cultural preparation courses predict the perception, thinking and acting of individuals. Therefore, the study at hand uses a cross-sectional design with N = 430 participants in order to investigate whether students of cultural studies gain more intercultural competencies during the time spent studying abroad, compared to studies of other subjects. The results reveal that students of cultural subjects show significantly higher levels of cultural empathy and openness in the post hoc measurement, even though there was no interaction effect with the amount of time spent studying abroad. Length of stay abroad had a significant indirect effect on social competence via all the dimensions of the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire. Moreover, results indicate that flexibility to adapt one's behaviour to cultural norms may predict problems when returning to one's home country.
The increasing diversity of cultural backgrounds offers potential for a more elaborated information processing, yet has been shown to be challenging for individuals, due to intergroup hostility, prejudices, and difficulties of intercultural communication. Current research thus focusses on the interaction of employees with different cultural heritages, as well as on their intergroup attitudes and competences. Thereby, leaders have been shown to shape the way diversity is considered in their teams in a top-down process. However, their perception of diversity as well as related challenges and chances are poorly investigated. The current paper thus aims to contribute to the understanding of leader’s perspective on and role in diversity-management by building on a comparative qualitative study with sixteen employees and twenty-two leaders. Research questions are how employees and leaders perceive cultural diversity from their specific point of view, which experiences are likely to contribute to their opinion on and perception of diversity and in how far do employees and leaders differ in these aspects. The results show that employees are aware of the topic of diversity in general but have poor competences in dealing with diversity in their daily working life. This seems to be associated with lack of experience with intercultural interaction and a lack of support from the respective organizations/leaders. Leaders are rarely aware of this lack of support. The results indicate that leaders’ experiences with cultural and age diversity, their identification with the company and previous diversity measures in the context of the companies’ policy towards diversity seem to be relevant for the formation of leaders’ attitudes. As a consequence, most participants focus on the question whether they do or do not want diversity within their teams and companies, while they actually fail to perceive the diversity that is already there.
In der Schriftenreihe „Voneinander Lehren lernen“ publiziert das LearningCenter der Hochschule Osnabrück anwendungsbezogene Beiträge zur Qualitätsentwicklung in Studium und Lehre. Die Schriftenreihe ist an das Konzept des „Scholarship of Teaching and Learning“ (SoTL) angelehnt. Demnach soll sie insbesondere den Fachlehrenden verschiedener Studiengänge als Plattform dienen, um ihre eigenen Erfahrungen, Ideen und Konzepte zur Lehr- und Studiengangentwicklung systematisch zu reflektieren und entsprechende Erkenntnisse für andere nutzbar zu machen. Ziel ist es, den Diskurs über hochschuldidaktische Themen in die Fächer zu tragen und so die Qualität der Lehr-Lernprozesse in den Studiengängen zu fördern. In diesem fünften Band der Schriftenreihe werden Projekte der Hochschule Osnabrück beschrieben, deren Umsetzung durch verschiedene Förderlinien oder durch Studienqualitätsmittel unterstützt wurde. Die Textbeiträge sind sowohl inhaltlich als auch didaktisch-methodisch sehr vielschichtig. Eine Gemeinsamkeit liegt jedoch darin, dass sie jeweils eine konstruktive hochschuldidaktische Reaktion auf zukunftsbezogene Trends und daraus resultierende Kompetenz-Anforderungen an Hochschulabsolvent*innen widerspiegeln. Der Terminologie des Zukunftsinstituts folgend sind es primär die Megatrends „Konnektivität“, „New Work“, „Gesundheit“, „Wissenskultur“ und „Globalisierung“, die in den Beiträgen implizit oder explizit thematisiert werden.