000 Allgemeines, Wissenschaft
Year of publication
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (5)
- Article (4)
- Book (4)
- Part of a Book (2)
- Part of Periodical (2)
- Master's Thesis (1)
- COVID-19 (1)
- contact tracing apps (1)
- privacy (1)
- protocols (1)
- Fakultät WiSo (13)
- Fakultät AuL (2)
- Präsidium Hochschule Osnabrück (2)
- Fakultät IuI (1)
Die allgegenwärtigen komplexen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen (VUCA-Welt), die digitale Transformation weiter Arbeits- und Lebensbereiche sowie eine veränderte Erwartungshaltung der aktuellen und zukünftigen Studierendengeneration (Gen Z) erfordern eine kritische Betrachtung unseres gegenwärtigen (Hochschul-)Bildungssystems. Wissenschaftspolitische Empfehlungen raten zu einem Paradigmenwechsel in der Gestaltung unserer Lehr- und Lernprozesse sowie dem damit einhergehenden Rollenverständnis der handelnden Menschen. In zahlreichen Bereichen der Arbeitswelt wird von New Work geredet und Agilität ist in aller Munde. Ende 2022 werden durch die Verfügbarkeit von generativen Text-Chatbots KI-System Hochschulen vor neue Herausforderungen gestellt. Zwangsläufig ergeben sich daraus Anforderung an Hochschulen für ein New Learning. Was kann oder soll das Verständnis von New Learning aber sein?
The career trajectories, professional performance, and satisfaction of graduates are often not known to the coordinators of study programs, left alone the demands of the labor market. Existing studies and surveys are often only cross-sectional snapshots of relatively large national or international graduate cohorts, often surveying multiple scientific disciplines in one survey. The domineering amount of studies for the biomedical disciplines is also focusing on and targeting the US American educational system and labor market, which differs substantially from the system for professional training established in the Bologna area. As a result, individual programs often face substantial difficulties identifying meaningful information to optimize their training to the demands of the labor market. Since academic programs of full, Ph.D. awarding universities in Germany traditionally tend to consider themselves primarily responsible for the demand of academia itself. The relationship between a student and its supervisor during a research project (e.g. MSc or Ph.D. thesis) in the natural sciences is often best described by a master-apprentice relationship, which in itself also only reflects the need of the academic job market. This poses a major problem since only an estimated 5-15% of all graduates will remain in academia long term. Detailed knowledge about the current demands of the labor market is important to ensure the success of graduates when competing in the whole labor market. Large, cross-sectional studies unfortunately often are not able to identify the individual strength and weaknesses of a program, and an in-depth, detailed analysis of the labor market is usually beyond the capacities of an individual program. This searches for a reliable source of information, which can be analyzed with limited resources a relevant one. Theoretically, the community of program alumni should be easy to access the source, containing all relevant information. This thesis, therefore, tries to probe a specific alumni community for relevant and actionable information regarding the career trajectory of graduates. Together with current students and alumni, a survey was developed and communicated to the alumni community with the following results:
• Mainly recently graduated Alumni answered the survey. Accordingly, the responders were largely in early post‐graduation career stages, many still in their first post‐graduation employment, with an overrepresentation of academic research.
• Studying in Germany increased the professional occupation in Germany from 20% before to 60% afterward
• Although the labor market proofed to be more diverse than anticipated during the drafting of the survey, metric concerning satisfaction, influence on hiring, and other parameters were similar between different groups of alumni
• This analysis grouped the surveyed alumni into two groups, working within or outside academia (Academics or non‐Academics, respectively) and either holding or not holding a Ph.D. title or equivalent doctorate in both work environments, leading to four sub‐groups.
• These two groups and four subgroups revealed major differences concerning the competence profiles investigated.
• A particularly critical parameter for professional development is the first occupation after graduation and the transition period to that occupation
• The scientific knowledge and competence in biomedical sciences were considered surprisingly unimportant.
• Of particular importance were all aspects of communication, the ability to handle large sets of data, and general IT‐competence.
• To keep the education and training of a graduate program adequate to the changing demands of the current labor market, easily modifiable program structures and effective feedback mechanisms need to be implemented.
Therefore, it appears the alumni survey has the potential to produce meaningful and actionable information to construct curricular relevant to the demands of the labor market. However, special strategies need to be developed to ensure the participation of valuable older alumni to avoid overrepresentation of academic researchers. Breaking up the rather lengthy survey into a longitudinal structure with shorter surveys at a time would likely result in improved quantity and quality of data. Surveying alumni through a consortium of similar, close collaboration programs would also help to contextualize information and to establish reliable benchmarks.
Vorstellung des neuen berufsbegleitenden Bachelorstudiums Pflanzentechnologie in der Agrarwirtschaft
Die Verbreitung von Informationstechnologien (IT) im Gesundheitswesen sowie deren Einflussgrößen sind Betrachtungsobjekt der Adoptions- und Diffusionsforschung. Neues Wissen aus diesen Studien wird dabei häufig als summative Umfrageergebnisse disseminiert. Mit dem in diesem Beitrag vorgestellten Web-Portal werden die individuellen Umfrageergebnisse im Vergleich zu einer Referenzgruppe präsentiert. Das erfolgt in flexibler Form unter Verwendung von reliablen und validen Kennzahlen der IT-Prozessunterstützung, die in einer hierarchischen Struktur angeordnet sind. Es werden die Entwicklung des Web-Portals als Benchmarking Instrument, seine Anwendung und eine initiale Evaluation vorgestellt. Es zeigte sich, dass das Web-Portal anhand aktueller Benchmarking-Ergebnisse von 197 Krankenhäusern einsetzbar ist, seine Anwendung als nützlich und die Indikatoren als verständlich eingeschätzt werden.
Requirements Engineering für Referenzmodelle mittels eines multimethodischen Vorgehensmodells
Obwohl es zahlreiche Arbeiten zum Requirements Engineering im Allgemeinen gibt, ist über die Ermittlung generischer und innovativer Anforderungen, wie sie in intersektoralen Informations-ketten eine Rolle spielen, wenig bekannt. Das Projekt IKM health zielt auf die Entwicklung von Referenzmodellen für Informationsketten zur Patientenversorgung ab. Forschungsfrage dieser Studie war, wie Informations- und Prozessanforderungen generiert werden können. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde mit der Analyse von Leitlinien begonnen, deren Empfehlungen anschließend im Rahmen von Delphi-Befragungen und Experteninterviews zur Diskussion gestellt wurden. Trotz der sich zeigenden Heterogenität war es mit Hilfe des hier vorgestellten multimethodischen Vorgehensmodells möglich, passende Anforderungen zu erzielen und in UML zu modellieren.
Contact tracing apps are potentially useful tools for supporting national COVID-19 containment strategies. Various national apps with different technical design features have been commissioned and issued by governments worldwide.
Our goal was to develop and propose an item set that was suitable for describing and monitoring nationally issued COVID-19 contact tracing apps. This item set could provide a framework for describing the key technical features of such apps and monitoring their use based on widely available information.
We used an open-source intelligence approach (OSINT) to access a multitude of publicly available sources and collect data and information regarding the development and use of contact tracing apps in different countries over several months (from June 2020 to January 2021). The collected documents were then iteratively analyzed via content analysis methods. During this process, an initial set of subject areas were refined into categories for evaluation (ie, coherent topics), which were then examined for individual features. These features were paraphrased as items in the form of questions and applied to information materials from a sample of countries (ie, Brazil, China, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, and the United Kingdom [England and Wales]). This sample was purposefully selected; our intention was to include the apps of different countries from around the world and to propose a valid item set that can be relatively easily applied by using an OSINT approach.
Our OSINT approach and subsequent analysis of the collected documents resulted in the definition of the following five main categories and associated subcategories: (1) background information (open-source code, public information, and collaborators); (2) purpose and workflow (secondary data use and warning process design); (3) technical information (protocol, tracing technology, exposure notification system, and interoperability); (4) privacy protection (the entity of trust and anonymity); and (5) availability and use (release date and the number of downloads). Based on this structure, a set of items that constituted the evaluation framework were specified. The application of these items to the 10 selected countries revealed differences, especially with regard to the centralization of the entity of trust and the overall transparency of the apps’ technical makeup.
We provide a set of criteria for monitoring and evaluating COVID-19 tracing apps that can be easily applied to publicly issued information. The application of these criteria might help governments to identify design features that promote the successful, widespread adoption of COVID-19 tracing apps among target populations and across national boundaries.
Viele verschiedene Facetten der Forschung an der Hochschule Osnabrück zeigt der Forschungsbericht 2014. Hier finden Sie spannende Einblicke in den Binnenforschungsschwerpunkt "MusikPhysioAnalysis", in die Zukunft des Lebensraums Stadt durch urbane Agrikultur und wie dezentrale Speicher einen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Energienutzung leisten können.
Mit welchen Erwartungen blicken die Fridays for Future Osnabrück auf die Hochschule? Wie steht es um die Akzeptanz des autonomen Fahrens? Welche Themen prägen die Debatten um die Landwirtschaft der Zukunft? Und wie gehen Start-ups mit den Herausforderungen der Corona-Pandemie um? Diesen und vielen weiteren Fragen widmet sich der neue Forschungsbericht: „Wie wir die Welt von morgen nachhaltig mitgestalten“.