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- yes (3)
- Cannulation (1)
- Catheterization (1)
- Catheters (1)
- Operating room (1)
- Peripheral (1)
- Fakultät AuL (1)
- Fakultät WiSo (1)
- LearningCenter (1)
One of the main problems of Internet-delivered interventions for a range of disorders is the high dropout rate, yet little is known about the factors associated with this. We recently developed and tested a Web-based 6-session program to enhance motivation to change for women with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or related subthreshold eating pathology.
The aim of the present study was to identify predictors of dropout from this Web program.
A total of 179 women took part in the study. We used survival analyses (Cox regression) to investigate the predictive effect of eating disorder pathology (assessed by the Eating Disorders Examination-Questionnaire; EDE-Q), depressive mood (Hopkins Symptom Checklist), motivation to change (University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale; URICA), and participants’ age at dropout. To identify predictors, we used the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) method.
The dropout rate was 50.8% (91/179) and was equally distributed across the 6 treatment sessions. The LASSO analysis revealed that higher scores on the Shape Concerns subscale of the EDE-Q, a higher frequency of binge eating episodes and vomiting, as well as higher depression scores significantly increased the probability of dropout. However, we did not find any effect of the URICA or age on dropout.
Women with more severe eating disorder pathology and depressive mood had a higher likelihood of dropping out from a Web-based motivational enhancement program. Interventions such as ours need to address the specific needs of women with more severe eating disorder pathology and depressive mood and offer them additional support to prevent them from prematurely discontinuing treatment.
In der Schriftenreihe „Voneinander Lehren lernen“ publiziert das LearningCenter der Hochschule Osnabrück anwendungsbezogene Beiträge zur Qualitätsentwicklung in Studium und Lehre. Die Schriftenreihe ist an das Konzept des „Scholarship of Teaching and Learning“ (SoTL) angelehnt. Demnach soll sie insbesondere den Fachlehrenden verschiedener Studiengänge als Plattform dienen, um ihre eigenen Erfahrungen, Ideen und Konzepte zur Lehr- und Studiengangentwicklung systematisch zu reflektieren und entsprechende Erkenntnisse für andere nutzbar zu machen. Ziel ist es, den Diskurs über hochschuldidaktische Themen in die Fächer zu tragen und so die Qualität der Lehr-Lernprozesse in den Studiengängen zu fördern. In diesem vierten Band der Schriftenreihe werden Projekte der Hochschule Osnabrück beschrieben, die im Rahmen des Programms „Innovative Lehr- und Lernkonzepte: Innovation plus“ des Landes Niedersachsen gefördert wurden. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf abgeschlossenen Projekten der ersten beiden Ausschreibungsrunden. Gemeinsam ist den vorgestellten Initiativen, dass sie nicht nur das fachbezogene Lernen unterstützen, sondern auch zur Förderung überfachlicher Kompetenzen im Rahmen curricularer Lehre beitragen. Ergänzt werden die Texte der Fachlehrenden daher durch einen Aufsatz, in dem Mitarbeitende des LearningCenters diesen integrativen Ansatz und alternative Herangehensweisen zur Förderung überfachlicher Kompetenzen diskutieren.
A peripheral venous catheter (PVC) is the most widely used device for obtaining vascular access, allowing the administration of fluids and medication. Up to 25% of adult patients, and 50% of pediatric patients experience a first-attempt cannulation failure. In addition to patient and clinician characteristics, device features might affect the handling and success rates. The objective of the study was to compare the first-attempt cannulation success rate between PVCs with wings and a port access (Vasofix® Safety, B. Braun, abbreviated hereon in as VS) with those without (Introcan® Safety, B. Braun, abbreviated hereon in as IS) in an anesthesiological cohort.
An open label, multi-center, randomized trial was performed. First-attempt cannulation success rates were examined, along with relevant patient, clinician, and device characteristics with univariate and multivariate analyses. Information on handling and adherence to use instructions was gathered, and available catheters were assessed for damage.
Two thousand three hundred four patients were included in the intention to treat analysis. First-attempt success rate was significantly higher with winged and ported catheters (VS) than with the non-winged, non-ported design (IS) (87.5% with VS vs. 78.2% with IS; PChi < .001). Operators rated the handling of VS as superior (rating of “good” or “very good: 86.1% VS vs. 20.8% IS, PChi < .001). Reinsertion of the needle into the catheter after partial withdrawal—prior or during the catheterization attempt—was associated with an increased risk of cannulation failure (7.909, CI 5.989–10.443, P < .001 and 23.023, CI 10.372–51.105, P < .001, respectively) and a twofold risk of catheter damage (OR 1.999, CI 1.347–2.967, P = .001).
First-attempt cannulation success of peripheral, ported, winged catheters was higher compared to non-ported, non-winged devices. The handling of the winged and ported design was better rated by the clinicians. Needle reinsertions are related to an increase in rates of catheter damage and cannulation failure.