Year of publication
- 2020 (1)
Document Type
- Article (1)
- English (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (1)
- Emerging technology (1)
- Lyophilization (1)
- Optical properties (1)
- PEF (1)
- Thermal properties (1)
- Fakultät AuL (1)
In this study the effect of PEF pre-treatment on the microstructure of freeze-dried strawberry dices was investigated. The PEF treatment has been performed at an electric field intensity of 1.07 kV/cm and a specific energy input of 1 kJ/kg. The samples were freeze-dried at a temperature of 45 °C and a pressure of 1 mbar. The microstructure of dried material was evaluated by different physical and optical methods, such as SEM, μ-CT and thermogravimetry. Moreover, mechanical and acoustic properties as well as the colour of processed material have been analyzed. PEF pre-treated strawberry dices showed a more uniform shape, a better retention of volume and a visual better quality compared to untreated ones. Moreover, PEF pre-treatment led to a more homogeneous distribution and a greater thickness of pores. In accordance, analysis of textural properties evidenced that PEF treated freeze-dried strawberry dices were crispier than untreated ones. Measurement of L*a*b*-values showed that PEF treated material was characterized by a more preserved colour after freeze-drying than untreated ones.