Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (2)
- Book (1)
Has Fulltext
- no (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (3)
- Agri-Food Chain (1)
- Quality Management (1)
- Fakultät AuL (3)
Qualitätsmanagement in der Ernährungswirtschaft : Qualität, Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit umsetzen
Unverzichtbar für alle, die sich im Lebensmittelsektor mit Qualitätsmanagement auseinandersetzen.
QM ist in der Ernährungswirtschaft von Anfang an wegen der damit untrennbar verbundenen Anforderungen an die Lebensmittelsicherheit von besonderer Bedeutung. Zunehmend verändern sich die Rahmenbedingungen, mit denen das Qualitätsmanagement in der Ernährungswirtschaft konfrontiert ist: beginnend bei der wachsenden Komplexität und Differenziertheit der Verbraucheransprüche, über die weltweite Verflechtung der Liefer- und Absatzbeziehungen, die dynamische Entwicklung wissenschaftlich-technischer Erkenntnisse und deren Auswirkungen auf die Lebensmittelproduktion bis hin zu der immer drängenderen Notwendigkeit, im Lebensmittelsektor nachhaltiger zu wirtschaften.
Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Entwicklungen werden in dem vorliegenden Werk relevante Fragen rund um das Themengebiet Qualitätsmanagement in der Ernährungswirtschaft aufgegriffen und praxisorientiert beantwortet. Dazu gehören "klassische" Themen, wie Hygiene, HACCP und Risikoprävention ebenso wie Rückverfolgbarkeit und Krisenmanagement, und auch Fragen, die erst seit wenigen Jahren in den Vordergrund getreten sind, wie Allergenmanagement, Food Defense und Food Fraud. Darüber hinaus werden wichtige Methoden, Werkzeuge und Techniken des Qualitätsmanagements erläutert, relevante Institutionen sowie Normen und Standards der Ernährungswirtschaft vorgestellt und eingeordnet.
Dieses Buch
- bietet einen umfassenden Überblick und navigiert sicher durch diesen hochkomplexen Themenbereich,
- zeigt, was alles bei der Umsetzung eines Qualitätsmanagementsystems zu beachten ist und berücksichtigt dabei die speziellen Anforderungen im Lebensmittelbereich,
- liefert praktischen Werkzeugkasten zur Umsetzung.
The demands placed on companies in terms of up-to-date quality and sustainability management as well as health and safety measures are high and are becoming increasingly complex. Increased legal requirements, additional industry standards and derived customer requirements constantly present companies and value chains with new challenges. The integrated approach to the implementation of these different requirements has already taken place in companies in recent years. However, small businesses still find it difficult to face the complexity of requirements on their own without an accompanying consultation. Qualint is a support tool, which is currently available in the 3rd version. The tool supports companies in setting up and continuously developing their integrated management system with coordinated hybrid service bundles. The focus is on combining the fields of action of quality, environmental and sustainability management as well as occupational safety and health.The article illustrates how quality management can be used as a basis for building up digital and organizational structures in companies and value chains. The focus is on sustainability aspects and ethical requirements that are closely related to people, such as occupational health and safety. Compliance with human rights is required in ISO 26000 and is also part of occupational safety and health. Furthermore, compliance with human rights and corresponding working conditions is also regulated by the new Supply Chain Duty Act (LkSG). It shows how demands on companies have grown and how the consulting tool Qualint has developed accordingly.
In recent years, ISO, IFS, BRC and FSSC 22000 standards in the areas of quality, environment and occupational health and safety have been increas-ingly implemented in companies in various industries. The main focus of these developed standards are the processes. But the past shows that the factor human is another very important factor, which should be much more in the middle in organization. The new developed guideline has the human factor in the foreground. In particular, the attitude and awareness of occupational safe-ty and health protection in the behaviour of employees at all levels of the or-ganisation are at the centre of consideration.
Inspired by this approach, a group of experts from the fields of quality scienc-es, standardisation and certification as well as consulting for system-relevant companies in the agricultural and food industry came together to form a committee during the Corona crisis in spring 2020. The common goal is to develop a new standard. The first step is to establish criteria for a guideline.
and establish an evaluation system for several pillars of a House of Total Safety Culture (HSC) tailored to the entire value chains of the agri-food sec-tor. In addition, the essential building blocks of the guideline must be defined. The attitude of managers and employees, their behaviour and their compe-tence form the roof of the standard. The integrated management system with a continuous improvement process forms the foundation of the House of To-tal Safety Culture across the company in value chains. Qualification and communication are the main pillars and thus further elements of the HSC. Particular attention is paid to the fields of action of occupational safety and health protection, food safety, animal and environmental protection as well as sustainability and digitisation. They form the four inner pillars of the House of Total Safety Culture. The design of the respective certification levels is con-sidered as a “construction phase”. As part of the standardisation process, the coordination of the respective requirements for safety culture has not yet been completed. This article first provides an overview of the state of knowledge in relation to the established standards and norms of the agri-food industry with special consideration of the Safety Culture Ladder model. The procedure for developing and establishing the new guideline is then ex-plained. For this purpose, the composition of the expert forum is presented before the concrete steps to establish the guideline are presented. The model of the House of Total Culture is presented below. Building on this, the proce-dure for assessing the degree of maturity and possible concepts of continuing training are explained before the conclusion of this article.