Document Type
- Article (5)
- Book (2)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (9)
- HYDRUS-1D (1)
- Rosa canina (1)
- Trockenstress (1)
- adventitious root formation (1)
- greenhouse production (1)
- growing media (1)
- histology (1)
- laser ablation (1)
- peat substrate (1)
- stem cutting (1)
- Fakultät AuL (9)
Adventitious root (AR) formation is the basis of vegetative propagation in rose, be it via stem cuttings or via stenting. During this process, wounding plays a pivotal role since cell reprogramming takes place at the tissue adjacent to the wound. We investigated the effects of wounding on AR formation on leafy single-node stem cuttings of the rose rootstock R. canina ‘Pfänder’ (codes R02-3 and R02-6) and the cut rose cultivar Rosa ‘Tan09283’ (Registration name ‘Beluga’). Laser wounding treatments were based on the assisted removal of tissue layers located in the bark. The positioning of wounding was studied based on two marking directions: along the cutting base (strip pattern) and around the cutting base (ring pattern). Additionally, the effects of external supply of indole-butyric acid (IBA 1 mg L-1) on rootingwere analyzed. Results showedthat inorder toremovespecific tissue layers, the calculation of the laser energy density (J cm-2) in terms of cutting diameter was necessary. Interestingly, the application of energy densities from 2.5 J cm-2 up to approximately 8.5 J cm-2 were sufficient to expose the tissue layers of epidermis up to regions of phloem. Regarding AR formation for R. canina ‘Pfänder’, characterized by a low rooting response, an increase in the rooting percentage was registered when the laser treatment eliminated the tissue up to phloem proximities. Analysis of the nodal position showed that bud location was a preferential place for AR formation independently of wounding treatment. In case of Rosa ‘Tan09283’, laser treatments did not reduce its high rooting capacity, but an apparent reduction in rooting quality due to an investment in tissue healing was observed when wounding reached deeper layers such as parenchyma and sclerenchyma. Results also showeda strongARformation directly fromwounded regions in case of Rosa ‘Tan09283’ specifically when the woundwas located below the axillary bud. In conclusion, wounding by assisted-elimination of layers by laser can induce positive effects on AR formation of single-node stemcuttings of the rose if energy applied is able to expose phloemproximities,a longitudinalorientation, and relative position to the axillary bud are considered.
Evaporation from growing media significantly contributes to increasing the humidity in greenhouses. The effects of a pine bark mulch cover on substrate evaporation was evaluated with different pot experiments. The obtained data have been tested within the water balance model HYDRUS-1D, which was originally developed for mineral soils. Objective of this study was to test the performance of HYDRUS-1D to describe evaporation in plant containers and to evaluate the effect of pine bark as cover layer or layers within growing media. Application of pine bark in combination with peat substrate reduced evaporation up to 50% depending on position, thickness of mulch layer and water content of the substrate. The highest reduction in evaporation was measured in a dry substrate which is covered with 4 cm pine bark. The HYDRUS-1D model describes evaporation from growing media in combination with layers of pine bark correctly as long as hysteresis of the water retention curve and vapor flow is considered in the model.
Zierpflanzen termingerecht und den Qualitätsansprüchen entsprechend produzieren
Eine termin- und qualitätsgerechte Zierpflanzenproduktion setzt solides Wissen über die Pflanzenansprüche voraus. Dargestellt werden
- Wirkungen der Wachstumsfaktoren,
- Steuerungsmöglichkeiten bei verschiedenen Kulturabschnitten,
- Aufbereitung der Produkte,
- Beispiele für Produktionsmethoden marktrelevanter Topfpflanzen und Schnittblumen.
Die Produktion von Topfpflanzen umfasst die Kultur von Beet- und Balkonpflanzen, Topfstauden und Zimmerpflanzen. Die Datensammlung enthält Produktionsverfahren, welche anhand produktionstechnischer, arbeits- und betriebswirtschaftlicher Kennzahlen beschrieben sind. Unter gibt es eine kostenfreie Excel-Anwendung für betriebsindividuelle Berechnungen.
Eine rechtzeitige Erkennung von Trockenstress trägt zur Verbesserung der Bewässerungseffizienz bei. Hierbei sind kontaktlose Verfahren derzeit Gegenstand der Forschung, weil sie das Potential besitzen, schnell, direkt und in größerer Fläche den Wasserversorgungszustand der Pflanzen abzubilden. Jedoch sind die relevanten Vegetationsindizes stark vom Blattwinkel relativ zum Sensor abhängig. Somit sind Vegetationsindizes nicht nur vom Wasserversorgungszustand bestimmt, sondern auch vom momentanen Habitus. Um den Einfluss des Blattwinkels zu quantifizieren, wurden drei Vegetationsindizes an Blättern von Malus domestica, Fuchsia cv. und Impatiens x hawkeri getestet. Dabei erfolgte der Versuchsaufbau so, dass eine gleichzeitige Messung des relativen Wassergehalts, der Blattdicke und der Vegetationsindizes aus einem variierbaren Betrachtungswinkel in einem Zeitverlauf durchgeführt werden konnte. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine starke Korrelation zwischen Wassergehalt und Blattdicke sowie eine starke Korrelation zwischen Wassergehalt und allen Vegetationsindizes bei horizontaler Blattstellung.