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Diversity Potentials or Diversity Challenges?- an explorative Study about diversity beliefs in German Organizations

  • The central aim of the investigation at hand is to deal with the problem areas of Human Resource Management, which arise by demographic changes and migration. The paper focuses on mutual relationships. Managers and human resource managers are considered as multipliers. Older employees, migrants and women are important potential. Therefore, following research questions have been investigated: Which competences are necessary to promote to recognise the potential of migrants correctly and to promote them? Do the multipliers have to be more sensitized for the issue diversity? Do they have to develop specific competences to make the system more permeable and to make the entry and promotion of migrants possible? Which competences should be promoted to increase the sensitivity for diversity? The questions were examined by a qualitative investigation to develop hypotheses for a quantitative study. Overall, 30 interviews with managers, human resource managers and diversity representatives of the large DAX companies were conducted. Furthermore, 17 employees with immigration background and 15 employees without an immigration background were interviewed. The data was transcribed and analysed by the qualitative content analysis according to Mayring (2010). Comparative analyses were made with single items with Likert Scales. The investigation of managers and employees is a highly diversified issue. Therefore, the main focus of the project lays on the problem areas, conflicts and competences of human resources managers in demographic-sensitive personnel management. In comparison, employees with and without an immigration background were asked. The results show an interesting field of tension between self-perception and perception of others and the assessment of the relevance of diversity attitudes and measures, competences and their implementation. Furthermore, a contrary perception regarding strains and stresses of person with and without immigration background is determined, which is developed in the consequences of migrations stress and experiences of discrimination. The results indicate the need of promotion of competences, especially regarding intercultural competence. A critical analysis of the results will be presented.

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Author:Petia Genkova PetkovaORCiD, Henrik Schreiber
Title (English):Diversity Potentials or Diversity Challenges?- an explorative Study about diversity beliefs in German Organizations
Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Year of Completion:2020
Release Date:2020/09/17
Page Number:1
IFKAD International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics 2020, University of Basilicata Matera, Italy, 9-11 September 2020
Faculties:Fakultät WiSo
DDC classes:100 Philosophie und Psychologie / 150 Psychologie
Review Status:Veröffentlichte Fassung/Verlagsversion