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Lease Accounting at Lufthansa - Case Study

  • This case study serves as tool to make international financial reporting come alive. The case repositions financial accounting in the audience’s perception as a core part of modern corporate governance. The case is entirely derived from publicly available sources.

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  • The case study "Lease Accounting at Lufthansa" can be used in classroom for a fee after consultation with the authors. A corresponding solution sketch is then made available to the lecturer. Contact us: G.Meeh-Bunse@hs-osnabrueck.de K.Luer@hs-osnabrueck.de

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Author:Gunther Meeh-BunseORCiD, Christina Poetzsch
Title (English):Lease Accounting at Lufthansa - Case Study
Contributor(s):Katja Luer
Document Type:Course Material
Year of Completion:2019
Release Date:2020/01/28
Tag:Accounting; Case Study; Financial Reporting; IFRS; Leasing; Lufthansa; Management
Page Number:14
The case study "Lease Accounting at Lufthansa" can be used in classroom for a fee after consultation with the authors. A corresponding solution sketch is then made available to the lecturer. Contact us: G.Meeh-Bunse@hs-osnabrueck.de K.Luer@hs-osnabrueck.de
Faculties:Fakultät MKT / Institut für Management und Technik
DDC classes:600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / 650 Management
Review Status:Unveröffentlichte Fassung