@article{Sobral De Oliveira-SouzaDo Valle SalesDe Fontes Coutinhoetal.2023, author = {Sobral De Oliveira-Souza, Ana Izabela and Do Valle Sales, Lais Ribeiro and De Fontes Coutinho, Alexandra Daniele and Armijo-Olivo, Susan and de Oliveira, Daniella Araujo}, title = {Oral health quality of life is associated to jaw function and depression in patients with myogenous temporomandibular dysfunction}, journal = {Cranio : the Journal of Craniomandibular \& Sleep Practice}, volume = {41}, number = {6}, issn = {2151-0903}, doi = {10.1080/08869634.2021.1885893}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t WiSo}, pages = {518 -- 528}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Objective To determine which factors influence and better differentiate between good and poor oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in patients with myogenous TMD and which cut-off could predict a good/poor OHRQoL.}, language = {en} }