@incollection{ParniakovHopperT{\"o}pfl2023, author = {Parniakov, Oleksii and Hopper, Sam David and T{\"o}pfl, Stefan}, title = {Impact of PEF (Pulsed Electric Fields) on Olive Oil Yield and Quality}, booktitle = {New Discoveries in the Ripening Processes}, isbn = {978-0-85014-126-9}, doi = {10.5772/intechopen.112685}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t AuL}, pages = {11}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Olive oil holds significant importance in the European diet and is renowned globally for its sensory attributes and health benefits. The effectiveness of producing olive oil is greatly influenced by factors like the maturity and type of olives used, as well as the milling techniques employed. Generally, mechanical methods can extract approximately 80\% of the oil contained in the olives. The rest 20\% of the oil remains in the olive waste generated at the end of the process. Additionally, significant amounts of bioactive compounds like polyphenols are also lost in the olive pomace. Traditionally, heat treatment, enzymes, and other chemicals are used for the enhancement of oil extraction; however, this approach may impact the quality of olive oil. Therefore, new technology, such as pulsed electric field (PEF), is of great benefit for nonthermal yield and quality improvements.}, language = {en} }