@inproceedings{Trautz2023, author = {Trautz, Dieter}, title = {Einfluss von mechanischer Beikrautregulierung, Saattermin und Saatst{\"a}rke auf den Ertrag von Wintertriticale und das Beikrautaufkommen im {\"O}kologischen Landbau in Nordwest-Deutschland}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t AuL}, pages = {2}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Besides yield reduction weeds have positive effects, like enhancing biodiversity or reducing soil erosion. The aim of the work is to enhance biodiversity without yield losses. In growing season 2021/22 a field experiment with winter triticale was conducted to experience the impact of mechanical weed control, sowing date and sowing rate. Especially hoeing had a positive impact on vegetative growth and grain yield while weed growth was inhibited but weed biodiversity stayed equal or increased. A lower seed rate or an earlier sowing date made in general no difference at flowering or harvesting stage.}, language = {de} }