@article{MolinsSchweers2021, author = {Molins, Francesc and Schweers, Elke}, title = {Reaction Condition Effects on the Photocatalytic Production of H2 from Ethanol in the Gas Phase over Pt/TiO2}, journal = {ChemPhotoChem}, volume = {5}, issn = {2367-0932}, doi = {10.1002/cptc.202000216}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t IuI}, pages = {10}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The effects of reaction parameters on Hurn:xwiley:23670932:media:cptc202000216:cptc202000216-math-0001 production from ethanol photocatalysis in the gas phase have been investigated. The photocatalytic activity evolves from an early mass-transfer limited regime to an independent one at later irradiation times, which is interpreted in terms of a photocatalytic site activity distribution. Ethanol molar fraction exhibits two different domains, with Hurn:xwiley:23670932:media:cptc202000216:cptc202000216-math-0002 production increasing up to a molar fraction of 0.12, beyond which it plateaus. Hurn:xwiley:23670932:media:cptc202000216:cptc202000216-math-0003 :AcH ratios are very sensitive to reaction conditions, reaching 1.8 at low reactant flows. UV light is converted to Hurn:x-wiley:23670932:media:cptc202000216:cptc202000216-math-0004 with an efficiency of nearly 3 \%.}, language = {en} }