@book{BigosBrnadaBrozovićetal.2023, author = {Bigos, Krystian and Brnada, Ivana and Brozović, Mateja and Bručić Barić, Petra and Čižmek Vujnović, Ondina and Dečman, Nikolina and D{\"o}m{\"o}t{\"o}rffy, Sanja and Ercegović, Marina and Ferjanić Hodak, Danijela and Gaberc, Marina and Glodowska, Agnieszka and Hlobik, Ivana and Hrgovčić, Zorica and Knežević, Blaženka and Kobasić, Anamarija and Luer, Katja and Meeh-Bunse, Gunther and Michalik, Adam and Odak, Blankica and Rep, Ana and Rusek, Romana and Staroveški, Jana and Stojanović, Žaklina and Tabak, Lada and Virovac Bilandžija, Ivana and Wach, Krzysztof}, title = {DIGI4Teach - Handbook}, editor = {Brozović, Mateja and Dečman, Nikolina and Ercegović, Marina and Rep, Ana}, organization = {University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business}, organization = {Hochschule Osnabr{\"u}ck, Cracow University of Economics, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagrep, Faculty of Economics and Business, First School of Economics Zagreb, Second School of Economics Zagreb, Third School of Economics Zagreb, Samobor School of Economics, Trade and Catering}, url = {https://sites.google.com/net.efzg.hr/digi4teach/dissemination/handbook\#h.qjvqd69x99mm}, institution = {Institut f{\"u}r Management und Technik}, pages = {105}, year = {2023}, abstract = {One of the important outputs of our DIGI4Teach consortium is this Handbook, which consists of two parts. Part A contains an analysis of the most important descriptive research results conducted within the DIGI4Teach Erasmus+ project regarding the use of digital technology in teaching economic disciplines in partner countries. Part B contains twelve case studies from different areas of economics and business (accounting, finance, marketing, tourism and trade) that were prepared using various digital tools and they can be freely used in classes or other forms of education.}, language = {en} }